The Virtual Handyman

I have recently decided to take on some handy man tasks around my apartment, and the problem is I am not handy. Naturally, I can across several issues when while trying to perform simple tasks like  installing a new toilet seat. At first glance changing the seat seemed like only a matter of turning few screws. After I broke a screw driver I knew it was time to ask for help.

The problem seemed so simple that I didn’t want to ask my friends for help, so I turned to the internet for guidance. It turns out that several people are seeking online help for their handyman questions because their are several sites dedicated to virtual help, including:

The Super Handyman

This site allows readers to post specific problems they are having around their house. The Super Handyman, Al Carrells, advises on how to fix problems and speculates on what is causing the problem. People ask real questions ranging from how to stop a running toilet and how to  remove dog pee odor from hardwood flooring. Al seems to know what causes the problem and tells a what to do to fix the problem. He does not tell specific, step-by-step, instructions like other sites.


This site is not specific to handyman questions, it allows users to type in any question and select an answer from a database of similar questions. It seems that this is maybe newer or not as popular as Wikipedia because there are only typically only one reply to each question, and there are a limited amount of answers posted. The people answering the questions are anonymous users. This page is most useful when used as a frequently asked question site. I like how answers are grouped into sections by topics and subcategories.


This site not only answers your question, but it has video! When I typed in how to change a toaliet seat, I got several videos with step by step video showing and explaining the details of the installation process. The website also provides an impressive how to directory with categories like career & work, food & drink, and computers. The videos are very specific and helpful.

Google Answers

Luckily I did not need to pay for an answer, but for more complex questions there are sites available to buy answers. A user inputs credit card information, makes a bid, and asks a question. People who know the answer compete for the best answer to win the bid. If the user is unsatisfied with the answer they are not obligated to pay.

Overall, the internet is a great place to go for advice for many areas including home improvement. When evaluating the advice it is important to consider the source and know who is giving the advice. Some sites like ehow and Super Handy man give references, whereas anyone could be giving advise on WikiAnswers. My favorite of the described sites was eHow because it provided me with a visual solution to my problem. I think I may use it to conquer my next handyman escapade of changing a door knob.

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